
1. Find a photograph of the Western Cordillera Region. Post it.

2. Find a map of The Western Cordillera region.Explain what you see in the map in 3-5 sentences.
This is a map of The Western Cordillera region. But I think it mostly shows all the Canada. I think the different means different climates and different regions.

3. Find picture you like of the Rocky Mountains.Explain why you like it in 5-8 sentences.

What a cool picture. The white mountain and the sky is blue! The combine together, so beautiful! I think there are many animals there, because the envirment there is very good. So I want to go there.

4. The Rocky Mountains are fold mountains.
a. How are fold mountains made? Use your OWN words to explain this process.
There are many mountains, and they are very rugged. Maybe the mountains just moved in the past.

b. What are some other examples of fold mountains?
5. Find a photograph of another fold mountain in the world. Post it.Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.
What a cool picture! The blue sky\ green grass\big m0untains. I think this picture is showing the autom of that region.
6. There are a lot of mountains in this region, would you want to live here?Tell me three reasons why or why not.
I want. Because there are many beautiful things. The envirment is very good, I will feel comfortable. Maybe there will be a lot of fun.
7. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
I learned about a lot of mountains. And see a lot of pictures. And the how the mountains are made up. And the map, it tell me the climate there. I learned that the envirment is very good.

